Man, some crazy cheap monitors too, all FHD of course (the crazy cheap ones that is, this one is QHD for $60 though, and some decent ultrawide deals).
thanks! Have you tried these?
I’m always interested in whether or not you can use each one of the buds independently. Some of the cheaper ones have a master and the master can be used by itself but the slave cannot.
I have not, but did purchase a few and my receipt clearly says:
3 Year OWC Fulfilled Warranty.
Maybe check your receipt? (OWC = other world computing = Mac Sales et al)
161 now here:
WANg definitely seems to be correct, looks like 5B20U54349 or 5B20U54344 which seems to be 4gb...
Have you seen multiple qty skus lately? I haven't. Damn-- down to 9800. I wish I didn't recently spend a considerable amount on a DL380, otherwise I would've bought at least one.
Yeah, probably the E300. I don't see the E302 for sale on but that isn't a sure tell, I suppose. How embarrassing, I honestly thought that was a heatsink. :oops:
I like CDW Outlet barebones because every great once in a while you get other hardware that was added and accidentally...
Being it CTO, how can you tell they are the j4105 vs j5005? 4gb vs 8gb, 16 vs 32? WIE10? If you've got a way of determining specs on CTO items on CDW outlet, please PM me ;)
If only my elderly mind could comprehend how these fit in with or replace SAS drives. What does one need to get these working in a DL380 gen10? I’ve got a 3rd spot for an 8sff cage to play around with.
New message from: buybest26 (6,051)
They are EMC Branded with part number: 118033292-01 as seen in the photos.
Our erasure software reported them with a sector size of 520, and a firmware of C350. The controller reports it as HUSMM141CLAR1600 vs the HUSMM1616ASS204 printed on the label.
Sorry, bud-- hopefully you weren't too far into the build. If I see another one I'll let you know before I post, but it'll take weeks to drop to that point again.
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