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  1. S

    159$ US 'new' Quanta D51B-1U LGA2011-3 Server Best Offer

    No, it's neither BIOS nor BMC update. It's CPLD update, performed by ucpld_ip file, that solves the specific problem you're having. Nothing else will help.
  2. S

    159$ US 'new' Quanta D51B-1U LGA2011-3 Server Best Offer

    To support dual v4 you need to install the CPLD update:
  3. S

    US $192 ($190 BO) Great deal on a Quanta D51B-2U 2u Chassis

    Dual v4 didn't work for me until I've updated CPLD.
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    So I bought a winterfell node

    Won't work. DDR4 won't fit in DDR3 slots. You can't install DDR4 memory in this board. And if you use DDR3, the CPU should specifically support it. The list of such CPUs is kept secret by Intel, you can either try yourself or find reports on forums. Most of them are OEM versions not mentioned...
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    So I bought a winterfell node

    This is no surprise, because these ones are not Winterfells, they self-identify as Leopard-DDR3. No, they're not required for boot. I plugged them all so that 300W is spread among wires. The orientation is simple: yellow to the one side (inner), black to the other side (outer). It is easy to...
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    So I bought a winterfell node

    Bought a PSU from miners, it has a lot of GPU connectors, the connectors have a different keying, but I forced them into the midboard, just making sure that yellow wires are on 12V side and black wires on GND side. M/B draws 300W, so I made sure I used enough independent cables. Works for half a...
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    So I bought a winterfell node

    I run Winterfell-Leopard from a regular PSU. Adds to cost (compared to Windmills).
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    E5-2678v3 @ 139$ SR20Z 2.5GHz 12 Core

    2678v3 prices are ridiculous. Or rather V2 prices are ridiculous, up 10-30% from the winter. I guess there's a huge fleet of Windmills demanding more V2s. Winterfells are more expensive and less convenient.
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    Potential Deal: 2 x Dual 2011 nodes @$199, Quanta Openrack

    Pay attention, this board supports v3 CPUs but only DDR3 memory! QUANTA WINTERFELL BAREBONE CHASSIS WITH HEATSINK SUPPORT XEON E5-2678v3 CPU | eBay
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    Potential Deal: 2 x Dual 2011 nodes @$199, Quanta Openrack

    Do you know a good source of cheap v3/v4 Xeons?
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    Potential Deal: 2 x Dual 2011 nodes @$199, Quanta Openrack

    You may be right. A similiar power board has this description: "Converter board to allow powering up openrack blades without the rack and busbar. It was specifically designed for lab purposes."
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    Potential Deal: 2 x Dual 2011 nodes @$199, Quanta Openrack

    Doubt it's power for the board, more like power for an additional device. Like a video card.
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    Potential Deal: 2 x Dual 2011 nodes @$199, Quanta Openrack

  14. S

    Potential Deal: 2 x Dual 2011 nodes @$199, Quanta Openrack

    facebookarchive/opencompute Pages 13-16 One phase per power shelf.
  15. S

    Potential Deal: 2 x Dual 2011 nodes @$199, Quanta Openrack

    Still in transit. But I guess PDU just balances the load on phases. Each phase 16A max, all three 48A max.
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    Potential Deal: 2 x Dual 2011 nodes @$199, Quanta Openrack

    Looks similiar to Windmill, supports 3 phase input.
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    Potential Deal: 2 x Dual 2011 nodes @$199, Quanta Openrack

    Waiting for my first Winterfell rack to arrive. As long as it's not 110V I'm fine.
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    Potential Deal: 2 x Dual 2011 nodes @$199, Quanta Openrack

    Didn't know that. My non-Chinese Quantas come with a C14. I only had to cut the Chinese ones.