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  1. D

    What backup software for backing up physical Linux servers?

    i've used veeam agent for linux and have been satisfied.
  2. D

    Fibre channel HBA running at slower speed?

    Go figure. Out of paranoia, pulled both HBAs, reseated them, and... 8gb/sec. Time to knock off for a stiff drink lol.
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    Fibre channel HBA running at slower speed?

    Okay, so a bunch of digging: one box is a supermicro 1U with a single x8 (but seems to be electrically x4? - maybe the riser did that? the manual seems to say 3.0, but ok.). I had no spare server, so I pulled out my old gaming desktop that has 1 X8 3.0 slot and a couple of x1 slots (unused)...
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    Fibre channel HBA running at slower speed?

    Well, I also tried a 10gb DAC that works fine as an ethernet cable. No difference. Both cards are seated in 3.0 X8 slots, so this is a mystery. I may go the route of upgrading FW in both cards, but then again 400MB/sec isn't awful either :)
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    Fibre channel HBA running at slower speed?

    For my homelab, I ebay'ed a qlogic 2562 and 2 2560 HBAs. Idea is that the 2 hypervisors will have their storage on the san. SAN is an esos run from memory distro. So the HBAs are 8gb because that seemed adequate (hyper-v doesn't need that much disk power, AFAIK). The ESOS appliance...
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    Brocade ICX Series (cheap & powerful 10gbE/40gbE switching)

    I doubt charter residential cable will allow you to peer BGP with them...
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    Brocade ICX Series (cheap & powerful 10gbE/40gbE switching)

    Yeah, I don't get the hate for L2 firmware. I've got 2 fortigate firewalls that do all the routing I need in my home lab.
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    Brocade ICX Series (cheap & powerful 10gbE/40gbE switching)

    Most of my rationale is because I have a lot of experience (job and hobby) with routing&etc. Switching, not so much.
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    Brocade ICX Series (cheap & powerful 10gbE/40gbE switching)

    I've never felt comfortable with the idea of an L3 switch. I like to keep routing and switching separated.
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    Brocade ICX Series (cheap & powerful 10gbE/40gbE switching)

    the icx6150 is the tofu version of a beefy switch :)
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    Brocade ICX Series (cheap & powerful 10gbE/40gbE switching)

    I had something very similar happen!
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    Brocade ICX Series (cheap & powerful 10gbE/40gbE switching)

    Wish I could help. My grumble about rackmount stuff: the nuts everyone provides have the same outside square size to fit the rack posts, but I've found that when you order a set of nuts and bolts, the nuts and bolts are not always the exact right size between different vendors. e.g. sometimes...
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    Brocade ICX Series (cheap & powerful 10gbE/40gbE switching)

    You beat me to it. Yeah, you need to be up and running to do that, but both flash partitions were borked. "Can't get there from here". What I ended up doing: 1. Login to 7250 stack with my iphone and delete the LAG. 2. Unplug one of the LAG cables at my end to avoid STP issues. 3. Move the...
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    Brocade ICX Series (cheap & powerful 10gbE/40gbE switching)

    Sorry if I wasn't clear. I flashed new FW to primary. Ran for a week ok. Copied primary to secondary. Now, both partitions are running the new FW. I did try booting from the secondary but it failed the same exact way, which I found odd, to say the least. At that point, I had no usable...
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    Brocade ICX Series (cheap & powerful 10gbE/40gbE switching)

    Yes, much to my embarassment. This is not my first rodeo, but I ****ed up. After 1 week of okay, I thought 'ok, I can upgrade the secondary!' What can I say? Duh...
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    Brocade ICX Series (cheap & powerful 10gbE/40gbE switching)

    Well, that was NOT fun. We live in a semi-rural area. Lots of power glitches and tree limbs taking out power lines. I'd say we get 1+ hour outages once or twice a year. Long enough the UPS can't keep the switch&etc up. 08.0.92bT211 was the good release I was running. Power comes back, but...
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    Brocade ICX Series (cheap & powerful 10gbE/40gbE switching)

    Huh. Thanks for the tip. I have a 3-node proxmox cluster off the stacked 7250s, so that's good to know!
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    Brocade ICX Series (cheap & powerful 10gbE/40gbE switching)

    Well, it's working now. I haven't reloaded, since it seems to be 'fixed' ATM. When I get an hour or two with my wife out of the house, I'll reboot and see what happens... This switch isn't as mission critical as the stacked 7250s, so assuming it's stable now, I might let it slide...
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    Brocade ICX Series (cheap & powerful 10gbE/40gbE switching)

    I'm not sure what the story is. I have a POE 7150 next to my desk. Two LAG'ed ports through the drop ceiling to the stacked 7250s in the 'IT corner'. I upgraded the 7150 first. Only the primary flash until I was happy. Took awhile to install packages, and etc. And.... my windows 10...
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    Gauging interest in a case with 13x 5.25" drive bays read it and enjoy lol