I have at my disposition two new pair of Gigbayte fiber module Ubiquiti UF-SM-1G-S for two days. With an optical cable...
I was wondering what i have to test to check if it compatible?
I do some iperf test and if i have near 1 Gig it work??
Project complet :) filming done.
Switch is really silent XD
Will do the Video editing this week.
I'm thinking to block the ventilation hole on the side so that the airflow go more in the back?
What do you think?
Just want to let you know that i found the problem. -> Windows :p i've decide to use Linux because i had no problem getting 9.4gb without configuring anything... and the nic issue is not the suject of this thread, i'll figure the windows driver issues later... I didn't succeed to get above 5gb...
For your information i've connect the two PC together with the DAC.
I'm using different driver on both... Windows 7-10. I will install two physical machine to test with the same driver.
On win 7, you had to enter the number of MTU and on windows 10 it only giving you two choise, 1500 or 9000...
Before messing witthe switch i'm testing it right now, i'm having to problem to access the 9Gb bandwidth with iperf on two windows system.Win7 and Win 10 VM in esxi. I'm not really sure what is the cause of the problem.
[ 4] 0.00-1.00 sec 427 MBytes 3.58 Gbits/sec The switch
[ 4]...
The noctua fan got back order -_-. I think i will do the mod with cheap fan during the week if i have time.
Start to read all the thread to find some information and documentation. I'm at page 9 where you put your photo Sleyk. I have found already alot of information. tks to you Sleyk....
First post on the forum, :p
The switch just arrive :)
I would like to know your thought about my project. I would like to make the switch quieter because right now the 3 fans in the back are 55dba fan and i cannot have this at home.
I'll be running only one PSU at a time.
I will replace the...
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