hi, can now access the web portal, and things connected to the switch now work(thanks )
can't get my 2nd router which is connected to the switch icx6450 (which is connection to the 1st router ) to connect to the internet though i still can do dns look ip but can't access any websites including...
ICX 6645 - running in router mode
no vlans defind yet as only got as far as set default route when i tested to see if i could access the web admin page and failed
ICX6450-24 Router#sho ve
version System status
ICX6450-24 Router#sho version
Copyright (c) 1996-2016 Brocade...
what wrong with my running config, please? Cant connect to my web management, or if connect to my switch my router management but can ping to external site from the router now. Running in router mode
aaa authentication snmp-server default local
aaa authentication web-server default...
thanks solved the problem I forgot to set the default gateway.
Hopefully a quick question, if the switch is running in router mode can some of the interfaced still behave like a switch(layer 2)
from reading the manual don't think this is possible as it says that if using layer 3 modes you can...
dont have a console cable but forgot a the most basic check, to see if it was already running the latest version.
still cant connect to any NTP server, ping external IP (can do dns lookups), all devices can see the switch but any device connected to the router can not see anything that...
so change them so I can use shh/telnet over IP ethernet connection(or is that not possible) and yes 6450 sorry for missing out on a useful bit of info.
got a couples of questions/problems.
1) though i can talk to the switch managment(running on port 1 and managment port) i cant reach none of the devices connected directly to the switch
2) does have usb to serial cable but i do have NAS that run a tftp server, how do i change these commands...
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