The output of `sudo blockdev --getsz /dev/<devicenam>` in Linux would suffice. Basically i want to use these as spares for some older WD 8TB drives and want to make sure the block count is greater than or equal to the existing drives.
My existing 8TB drives, for example, are 15628053168 blocks...
I have some crystaldiskmark results. These are from a Windows 10 PC to Synology DS1821+ using Mellanox 10 GbE NICs and a Brocade ICX 6450, over SMB/CIFS. Numbers reported are Q32T1 with a 32 GiB size. Five 870 EVO 4TB in a SHR-1.
With encryption: 585 MB/s read, 301 MB/s write
Encrypted volumes is perhaps not a deal-breaker, but it would be nice. Was your experience mostly a write bottleneck, read bottleneck, or both? I will have to run some experiments first, if/when I decide to proceed with this array.
Yes, I have 10 GbE, via a Mellanox card.
I'm probably also going to seize the opportunity to upgrade to a DS1821+ (from a DS1819+) and add encrypted volumes. Any idea on what the real world impact of the encrypted volume would be on an 1821? I'm assuming less impact than on a 1819.
Yeah, that's what I figure. While there would be some churn on the NAS as I do NFS-mount parts of it, it's also the case that the majority of what is on it would be just static data sitting around (backups, snapshots, video collection, etc). The drives will be long obsolete before I hit the TBW...
I've been contemplating building myself a SSD NAS. I'm happy with Synology. I'm happy with Samsung. Can I put them together and not have it be a stupid thing?
The TBW is 2400 TB on the 870 EVO 4TB. The TBW on a WD RED NAS SSD is 2500 TB. Neither one of them has power loss protection. It feels...
I got tired of hearing the fans (yes I've already replaced them with quieter ones) occasionally spin up, so I brute-forced a solution:
The fan is whatever came from my junk box. A 120mm noctua is on order. I did not disable the fans inside the chassis -- I probably should, but I did not want...
You can still PWM a 3-pin fan, you just use a transistor to drive the power (or the ground) pin. A little tricky to read the tachometer, but there's a solution for that too -- you pulse stretch the PWM every so often long enough to take a tach reading from it.
Has anyone put an oscilloscope on...
If you ever come across a way to program the PWM values to something other than the preset "low" and "high", that would be handy to know. I'd love for my low speed to be a little faster. Not much... just a little.
My understanding is that the copper modules run hot and consume additional power. I went with a new fiber run rather than trying to use my copper. I found preterminated fiber to be pretty easy to work with. It's quite flexible and the connectors are reasonably small.
There are some affordable...
That's what I started out doing on my 6450-24P. One port at a time I turned on PoE and plugged in a Raspberry Pi with the PoE hat and verified it had power and connectivity. After the first bank of 12 ports, I tired of the pace and just went every 3rd or 4th port or so. It was probably overkill...
I did a little bit of surgery on the pcboard of a ConnectX-3 to get it to fit into a custom case, and now I can't detect the board. I pulled a real dumbass move, forgetting to check to see if the card was DOA before hacking on it. While it is a multilayer board, the only thing I see in the...
Many mini splits have inverter-driven variable speed compressors. Rather than cycling the whole unit on and off. they can slow the compressor and deliver reduced cooling.
The painter's tape experiment has concluded:
SSH@ICX6450-24P-Router#dm fan-speed
All fans in High speed (0xff)
I think this is PWM, on a 0-255 scale, or it's something being fed into an 8-bit DAC to drive the fan voltage, whatever. 0x83 = about half, 0xFF = wide open. Mystery solved, though I...
It could be 0-255, that might make sense.
I could go stick a piece of painter's tape over the fan outlets, let the unit warm up a bit, and see if the values change.
Thanks, I tried that though I'm not sure if the answer is useful:
SSH@ICX6450-24P-Router#dm fan-speed
All fans in Low speed (0x83)
Not sure if 0x83 is the sensed RPM, the output PWM, or something else. Will be interesting to check it if/when it revs up to speed 2.
My ICX6450-24P with Sunon fan mod is sitting at 56.5 degrees on Sensor B and 60.5 degrees on Sensor A. Currently running at fan speed 1. This is with four PoE cams, a PoE Access point, and a PoE Raspberry pi. About 30 watts of PoE total. Plus about a dozen ports of regular Ethernet.
This is...
Thanks again to fohdeesha for this thread. I was all prepared to spend around $350 on a new Mikrotik and instead I have this wonderful ICX6450-24P for just under two hundred bucks. Following the guide and licensing went without issue.
I installed a couple digikey 259-1633-ND in place of the...
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