Man I'm having seriously bad luck with a DIY jack. I tried this with a keystone and still nothing. I hope the serial port isn't fried. My serial cable is late because of the northeast weather and I'd really like to get this tested, but so far blank console (Xterm/Putty Windows, MiniCom/Putty...
Something like these?
That's a good idea I might retry the splice to see if that was the problem.
Well I couldn't get the Cisco cable splice correct. USB Mini B to Cisco console to RS232 to USB in this configuration: Brocade Mini-USB to RS232 cheat cable! : Brocade my wire strippers didn't work at a wire gauge that small so it could be that I damaged the copper at the splice point stripping...
Not yet but I’ll post after doing so. About to hack up a Cisco console cable to see if I can get serial access as above.
Letting it fully boot definitely helped though it was vacuum cleaner loud when it first started.
So I received my ICX7450 in the mail. Holy crap this thing is loud and I'm not super sensitive to fan noise.
There's two fan modules that come with it. Pulling out one of them brings it to a bearable level. Will this be alright for a non-POE 48-port?
Damn you have a wealth of knowledge. Hopefully the seller will modify and I can save a bit. Thanks (again) for the info. :)
Looks like I need to familiarize myself with that doc. I can’t wait to get this stuff installed.
Awesome, thanks. I’m alright with the power draw but hopefully it’s not crazy loud. I currently have my rack in the living room. Spec sheet says 47db so I guess I’ll find out what that means. The 6610 would have been better I think but oh well.
I went ahead and snagged some 40gb qsfp+...
Great post! Thanks for sharing. I've been racking my brain over what switch to get for my new homelab and your post really helped.
I meant to pick up an ICX-7250, but in my tiredness I accidentally bought (and paid for) an ICX-7450-48 for $200 shipped... is this going to be a problem for some...
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