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  1. T

    Thoughts on a low power NAS and VM server

    @gea Can you recommend a good tutorial on the fundamentals, like choosing the best strategy according to needs? and how to configure a HDD array if you have SSD available? @RobstarUSA 32 epyc would be overkill for me, though 32 core for 85W is excellent. I just shudder when I recall how much my...
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    Thoughts on a low power NAS and VM server

    I used to do build and later design servers and moved on Netcache storage devices, this stuff is more complicated and involved than what I used to do for a living. So it feels like I'm back at school :-). I don't understand the various permutations that are available. I'm just relying on...
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    Thoughts on a low power NAS and VM server

    L2Arc I've had to look up L2Arc and opened up a real Pandora's box. It definitely isn't that straightforward. Never heard of ZIL till now. Sounds like a write transaction log. Resources The server has 32GB of ECC ram. I have 2TB NVMe and a slower 2TB SSD SATA drive. 5 x spinning rust HDD...
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    Thoughts on a low power NAS and VM server

    I'll reserve the USB external disks for backups and mass migrations. The Lenovo TS140 (Unraid) Only has 1 x PCIe 3 16 lane slot, 1 x PCIe 2 single lane slot and a 1 x PCIe 2, 4 lane slot I could do with with a more modern MB. But I'll use what I have to hand. I did buy some single lane PCIe...
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    Thoughts on a low power NAS and VM server this may be a useful post for you I may still go down that route, but we shall see.
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    Thoughts on a low power NAS and VM server

    I've been through this scenario and requirement more than once as you'd guess. The main driver this time is that the Asustor 5304T I've been using reboots by itself and I'm fed up with sending it back and them not fixing the issue. I'll share my efforts here. Yes, some faster NICs, especially...
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    Thoughts on a low power NAS and VM server

    I've been repurposing enterprise grade servers for years, first one was a based on an i386, various Pentium 3/4, most recently Dell R710 with dual Xeon, redundant psu, loads of RAM etc. The Dell R710 idles about 70W with 5 x HDD, 10GBe and a PERC card. It goes up a lot more when I get it to do...