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    Brocade ICX Series (cheap & powerful 10gbE/40gbE switching)

    @tozmo I got the BD because I had the LC fiber already installed and just wanted a quick switch to 40gb and they were 45(offered) a piece on ebay. Here is the link if anyone wants to check them out, the pair that I got were new in box.
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    Using a breakout cable with ConnectX-3 MCX354A

    Can confirm [MCX354A-FCBT QSFP port1] --> [ MCP7F00-A01A (QSFP28 to SFP28)breakout cable] --> [Brocade ICX 10gb SFP+ port 1/3/1] this configuration does work. You get 1 of the 4 breakouts that will light up and connect. MAM1Q00A-QSA adapter is about 25 bucks and so is the breakout cable. Not...
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    Looking for: Introduction to Fibre Optics for the Copper Cable user has a good visual for these types of questions. Pick a trunk cable or try out a few they have different visuals for different applications. I used these as a reference for my ebay shopping. I had run LC for my 10gb before I went 40gb and wish I had MTP 12. If you run conduit that should...
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    Brocade ICX Series (cheap & powerful 10gbE/40gbE switching)

    Anyone have any "best practices" for the Brocade ICX6610 48p? Here is a little about my setup; Windows 10 machine with a MCX354A-FCBT --> Cisco QSFP-40G-SR-BD Compatible [ brand] --> 15m om5 LC to LC --> Cisco QSFP-40G-SR-BD Compatible --> ICX6610 port 1/2/1. Server 2019 with a...