Regarding how to set up BOOT with NVME Disk. Any idea?
-Dell Ultra Speed 80G5N TX9JH PHR9G 6N9RH 80G5N ?
-pcie-achi & pcie-nvme ?
Board has EFI Specification Revision: 2.31
Boot Option Menu
EFI Internal Shell
Shell: ver
EFI Specification Revision: 2.31
How to install:
0. bios settings: PCIE starts without eeprom.
1. operational system must have all drivers and must start the installed device... and after that go to reboot.
2. and only after that... operational system will be able to start PCIE Video card.
Something tells me, that at the end (finally) there was not a "happyend" in you story?
I mean: "you have done exact work", but untill now your board was not started (switched on) at that mode what you wished? blue light and your psu doesn't start. Right?
Check CPU menu in BIOS. There are must be following points:
Regarding to my real experience, on some C6xxx and C8xxx boards there are real issues with locking CPU capacities to safety values after <clear_cmos>. To fix it back you just need to re-check some points in bios menu. _
Hey there. Why do you need it? To control cpu fans?
I use the direct power supply adapter-cable from casual ATX PSU.
And I don't use this -->
To regulate cpu fans first time I used some thermal sensors (about 2-5USD, powering from molex, equipped with beeper/sensor/2or3*4pins out). But now, I...
Яkov, your board is W6W6G . It has some issues, I tried it before (about a year ago) and... I'm not happy with this version of C8220 ((( ...problems with onboard discs, not correct work of raisers... etc. see this forum, see the messages from this TOPIC STARTER (@drabadue or @Patrick or I don't...
Iakov, it is really important to know how to operate this procedure (reset bios / clear nvram) almost everywhere. In case of C8220 the procedure is not connected to battery, so please do not remove it from case, let it be there, in it's place.)
Check/read some pages of this discussion and/or...
Rare 0CNW04 CNW04 Dell DCS7200S
Only motherboard, without sled and without other DELL things, with mini 18pin adapter for usual pc power supply box (PSU) and only jumper closer for .
Onboard sata disks are shown in bios and do work. without any other tricks.
BIOS (Insyde 01/19/2015)
Sorry for maybe non actual question. Everybody says that this mobo can work with version 2 processors of lga2011. Have you tried this?
Many thanks in advance for your answers. :)
@iLya, thank you. I will try.
I started to read [this] thread. It is about c6220, but it's usefull enough (the "8220x marketing project" was started from 6100/6105/6200).
This (rare) board was already used here once. See above info about it: page-2, Wictar.
(Rare 0CNW04 CNW04 Dell DCS7200S...
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