Reporting back that stability has improved, I haven't had a crash since doing the upgrades. In addition to switching to mSATA, I removed the m.2 completely from the box, switched from pfSense to OPNsense, and switched from ZFS to UFS. So it is not a perfectly clean test, but things have been...
Will do. If you are going to be running this remotely, put it on a smart plug so that you can power cycle if needed. Due to the odd failure mode, there is a chance you will still be able to send the plug a signal to cycle if it crashes. Scheduled power cycle (via the plug) is a good second...
Just dropping a note here to confirm I have the same issue you are describing. I'm also using ZFS on an M.2 SATA SSD. The system will crash in an odd way - serial console unresponsive, unable to open new connections, dhcp down, web down, won't open or route new connections, but oddly it still...
I can confirm the 6610 does not work with 4096 bit ssh keys, at least on the 8030t firmware from @fohdeesha 's guide. The switch will accept a 4096 bit key without complaining but trying to connect ends with the blob error 60 you are seeing. If you create a new 2048 RSA key it will work fine.
I have a stack of three of them from this seller in front of me right now, no issues with them. They came wiped with an old version of the OS, 7-something, no "bonus" licenses other than the 2 default stacking ports. This seller has been moving down from about 150, I got mine 2 weeks ago for...
You will be fine, just follow the guide. It will likely power on directly to the bootloader prompt. Make sure to read the update guide carefully, and prepare for the steps in advance. Your 6610 will be in full howl mode until you get the OS booting, so it's in your best interest to move...
That looks like it will work, but try changing the lag to static if it won't come up with dynamic. Also check to see if you want the 10g port to be tagged or untagged to the new gateway
I ran a UPS test this weekend and my 6610 Rev A PoE power supplies won't run on simulated sine wave power. I have the PSUs plugged into a pair of Cyberpower CP1500AVR units. Anyone here have the same experience? Do Rev B or C run on simulated sine wave?
Interesting, my ears are exactly the same as @klui except it only says R/L, and there are no holes in the B locations. These would only work in a flush mount config, not a telecom rack. For what it's worth, the R side is inscribed with this:
42-1001007- 01
FOXCONN 05/29/2012
And the L side...
Front to back including the handles is 17-3/8, but I'd go 17-1/2 just to be safe, the SFP ports protrude slightly from the front for example. You're also going to need right angle power cables to stay within those limits. Not sure what options you would have for the QSFP though.
Based on the...
Oh and for people shopping for these now, I paid 165 each for the pair after tax and shipping, both with dual ears/fans/PSUs. The same seller has another pair up on ebay for the same bid - 269.99 plus shipping.
It took a week but I made it through all 266 pages. In the meantime, my 6610s arrived and I've already got them configured to replace the 3750s this weekend. The 6610s have been great so far, the guides and info posted here are spot on and it isn't much of a change coming from Cisco ios...
I'm 94 pages in and already ordered a pair of 6610 to replace the Cisco 3750 I use at home. Also I get to learn some new tech and hopefully save some power in the process. 100+ pages to go but I skipped ahead to say thanks to @fohdeesha for sharing all of this info.
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