I've got a few VMs that are sitting on LVM, Ceph and ZFS in a Proxmox cluster. I want to move a few of them to another datacenter. I know where the kvm config file is so that's easy and easy to edit. Moving storage between nodes in a cluster is easy. Is there a good way to move the storage? Like...
As a dork, I'd look at the nand packages and count quantity and lookup their capacity using google. That'll at least tell you how much raw NAND is there.
You should start on CPU instances.
People that mine in the cloud are those stealing AWS credits from somewhere. Not profitable. It's better to use a CPU instance to lower your losses if you're paying for it.
I was reading the release notes and it sounds like there's only 2 ARM supported boxes now that netgate sells.
It'll prob work, but you'll be in the abyss of support. You've gotta value your time more than troubleshooting boot errors for hours to save a few bucks.
The P3608's were two drives in one PCIe slot. If you've got 2 1.2TB then you've got one of two possibilities. You may have a 2.4TB drive. Or you may have a drive with full NAND exposed and no overprovisioning. If you wanted to provision down to 2 800GB then you'd have your 1.6TB. That'd be a...
I like VPI cards or Ethernet better than pure IB. There are few times I've ever thought about saying F* Ethernet and going IB. But I've had the opposite thought for network segments. If you're getting VPI or pure Ethernet you're not going to have issues changing to Ethernet for a direct connect.
I've only done it once. From XMR to when the Coinbase to bank account request was initiated it was a few hours. You'll also get stuck on Poloniex because you want to trade for that last 0.001. Poloniex, Kraken, & other exchanges have daily withdrawal limits.
From Coinbase it took a few days...
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