Fall 2020 Home Network Upgrades

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Active Member
May 1, 2013
Well, I bit the bullet. I now potentially have upwards of 600mbps/20mbps for an Internet connection with Comcast's XT-6 Modem Router Gateway as part of the package deal at roughly the $60 (USD) mark last month.

I use (and have used) Netgear Nighthawk Router (of the minimal marketing terms AC1750 ~ AC1900, so R6900/R7000/R7450). I also used Linksys Routers before they were aquired by Cisco.

Just trying to figure out what is at fault? Did I make a mistake by enabling IPv6? Is it the silicon/hardware or the software on the router not quite up to par or robust enough? Is it a conflict of dominance or of preference between IPv6 and IPv4?

Things work but are rather flaky as of late. If I hit the 5 minuter window of a fresh reboot on the router, all the Linux based systems can upgrade without issue. Anything after that, forget it - it's worse than watching Molasses being poured on the darkest coldest nights in Antarctica. Namely all of my Raspbian/Raspberry Pi OS based systems are most visually effected. I suspect other things are too, IPv6 is being disabled for the time being.

So what is the status of IPv6? What's the status of IPv4? With talk that IPv4 was nearing being completely consumed way back with Windows 2000 and Windows XP (a fall of 1999 & 2001 products), what gives? And yes, Windows 2000 Professional and Server editions have the option for an IPv6 stack. It's quickly nearing 20 some years for IPv6 (Introduced in December 1995, drafted in December 1998, ratified July 2017).

And IPv4 appears to have been introduced way back in 1980 in RFC 760 --- so ~40 years old as well.