Making the Intel based Synology more useful with ipkg, sftp server and nano

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Staff member
Dec 21, 2010
I have a few things I want my Synology DS1812+ to do that were not possible:
nano text editor (sorry I am not a vi fan)
sftp server (because sometimes it is nice to have)

That required getting to the point I could issue a command ipkg install openssh-sftp-server

(login as root)

cd /volume1/@tmp
chmod +x syno-i686-bootstrap_1.2-7_i686.xsh

(wait a bit)
(login as root)

vi /root/.profile
-- Hit the "i" key (insert mode)
-- Scroll down to the start of the line for "export PATH" and "PATH="
-- Add a single '#' character in front of those two lines
Synology Setup path comment out.JPG
-- Hit the escape key
-- Type upper-case ZZ to save and exit vi

(wait a bit)
(login as root)

ipkg update
ipkg install nano openssh-sftp-server
nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
-- Scroll down, fairly close to the end and change the 'Subsystem' line to: Subsystem sftp /volume1/@optware/libexec/sftp-server
Synology Setup openssh-sftp-server Subsystem config.JPG
-- Hit ctrl+x and y to exit and save.

Now you can login to the Synology DiskStation using sftp and you have nano for any config files you want to change! ipkg is also installed for easy package installation.

I do wish nano would just be available from day 1.
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