If you thought last week was a busy week...

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Staff member
Dec 21, 2010
Right now STH is running at a pretty crazy pace. Usually I target 1 piece per day. So far we have 21 pieces in 14 days, and a large number of server reviews. The server reviews take a lot longer since the average server review is now 3000-5000 words.

On the video side, we have had 7 videos in 14 days. So basically going from one per week to one every two days.

The next 10 days are also going to be wild with SC21 and a few projects that are being saved for post-SC21.

Just going to acknowledge the great and growing team we have at STH for making this possible. Also, rest assured, we will have tons of content coming on STH between now and Thanksgiving.

Even after the holiday, we are basically full for the rest of 2021. It is good to be back with a healthy backlog and churning on content.