Reference Material Broadcom (LSI/Avago) StorCLI Reference/User Guide


The StorCLI is a command line tool used for managing and configuring Broadcom HBAs and RAID controllers. It supports all 12Gb/s and newer HBAs/RAID controllers and is the only command line tool available to manage Tri-Mode and newer cards, replacing MegaCLI, sas3flash, and other tools.

There are three variants of StorCLI referenced in the release notes: StorCLI (MegaCLI equivalent), StorCLIO (MegaOEM equivalent) and StorCLIF. StorCLI is a public release of the tool available for download from Broadcom website. StorCLIO is StorCLI version meant for OEMs and my best guess is that StorCLIF is geared towards manufacturing. All three variants support the same base set of commands, but StorCLIO and StorCLIF support additional commands not available in StorCLI.

StorCLI supports a lot of the same commands that MegaCLI does. You can find StorCLI commands and its equivalent MegaCLI commands in the official documentation files.

Below is a list of all known commands supported by either of the three variants. They are grouped into general groups for easier viewing. Some commands are listed in multiple relevant groups. Verbose help describing each command usage in detail is provided in a companion post: Broadcom (LSI/Avago) StorCLI Verbose Help

Not all of the commands work in all environments against all cards or firmware types. Tags, listed in parenthesis before command description, are used to denote special requirements. Supported tags:
  • IT - requires IT firmware
  • MR - requires MR firmware
  • storclio - requires storclio variant
  • win - only works on Windows
  • unlisted - !! CAUTION !! these commands do not appear in storcli command list and their help will not be displayed if you invoke “storcli cmd help”; these could be dev only untested commands and I don’t even know which storcli variant is needed to execute them; use them at your own risk. I only list them for completeness sake.
Official Documentation

12Gb/s MegaRAID Tri-Mode StorCLI User Guide (MR-TM-StorCLI-UG102)
12Gb/s MegaRAID Tri-Mode Software User Guide (MR-TM-SW-UG105)
12Gb/s MegaRAID SAS Software User Guide (DB15-001199-08)


When executing commands you need to replace [x] in the /cx, /vx, /px, etc. with the index of the controller, virtual drive, etc. In order to show details for controller 0 you need to run "# storcli /c0 show". Adding "help" at the end of any command i.e. "# storcli /c0 show help" displays verbose help for that command.


By default StorCLI does not log any information in a log file. This can be enabled by creating a configuration file "storcliconf.ini" and placing it in the same dir as the StorCLI executable. Logging output is not very useful for the casual use, but might be helpful if you are troubleshooting an issue.
# Debug Level:
# 0 - do not log anything
# 1 - log CRITICAL
# 2 - log WARNING
# 3 - log INFO
# 4 - log EVERYTHING

# Log File Name


You can also enable storelib library logging by creating a "storelibconf.ini" file. It logs message level info to "storelibdebugir-3.txt". This info is even less useful than StorCLI log output.

# Debug Level:
# 0 - No Debug
# 1 - Level 1
# 2 - Level 2

# Write option on startup
# 0 - Append to existing debug file
# 1 - create new file

# Directory where debug file will be created

# Flag to turn Simulation Mode (0-No Simulation, 1- Simulation Mode (Requires simlib.dll))

List of Groups
  • System Level Info Commands
  • Misc System Level Commands
  • Controller Specific Commands
    • Informational Commands
    • Logging Commands
    • Controller Property Show/Set Commands
    • Patrol Read Commands
    • Debug Commands
    • Snapdump Commands
    • Maintenance Commands
    • Backup (Upload) Commands
    • Restore/Reset/Set Commands
    • Erase Commands
    • Flashing (Download) Commands
    • Misc Commands
    • PCIe/Phy Commands
  • BBU Specific Commands
  • Cachevault Specific Commands
  • Slot/PD Specific Commands
  • Disk Group Specific Commands
  • Virtual Drive Specific Commands
  • CacheCade Specific Commands
  • Enclosure Specific Commands
  • JBOD Specific Commands
  • Foreign Configuration Specific Commands
System Level Info Commands
Rich (BB code):
storcli show                                                                        Show system summary
storcli show all                                                                    Show detailed system info
storcli show ctrlcount                                                              Controller count
Misc System Level Commands
Rich (BB code):
storcli get rttdump                                                                 (unlisted, win) Gets rttdump information
Controller > Informational Commands
Rich (BB code):
storcli /cx show                                                                    Show controller summary
storcli /cx show all [logfile[=filename]]                                           Show controller information

storcli /cx show AliLog [logfile[=filename]]                                        (MR) Show every information of the controller

storcli /cx show pci                                                                (MR) Displays the pci information for the controller.
storcli /cx/px show all                                                             (MR) Show detailed PHY information.
storcli /cx/lnx show                                                                (MR) Show pcie lane information (usage: /c0/ln0,1,2...)

storcli /cx show bootdrive                                                          Show Boot Drive for the controller
storcli /cx show freespace                                                          (MR) Displays the free space information from all disk groups
storcli /cx show preservedcache                                                     (MR) Show Preserved Cache
storcli /cx show safeid                                                             (MR) Show the Safeid of controller
storcli /cx show rehostinfo                                                         (MR) Show the Host Information on controller
storcli /cx show wbsupport                                                          (MR) Displays write back support on the controller.
storcli /cx show powermonitoringinfo                                                (MR) Displays the power drawn by controller.
storcli /cx show badblocks                                                          (MR) Shows the controllers BadBlocks
storcli /cx show boardname                                                          (IT) Displays boardname on the controller
storcli /cx show vpd                                                                (IT) Displays the contents of the VPD for the specified controller
Controller > Logging Commands
Rich (BB code):
storcli /cx show eventloginfo                                                       (MR) Displays overall event information
storcli /cx show events [[type= <sincereboot| sinceshutdown| includedeleted|        ([B]MR[/B]) Gets event log entry details
    latest=x| ccincon vd=<0,1,...>] filter=<[info],[warning],[critical],[fatal]>
    file=<filepath> [logfile[=filename]]
storcli /cx delete events                                                           (MR) Delete event log.

storcli /cx show termlog [type=config|contents] [logfile[=filename]]                (MR) Displays the firmware logs
storcli /cx set termlog[=on|off|offthisboot]                                        (MR) Set termlog on or off
storcli /cx delete termlog                                                          (MR) Delete termlog

storcli /cx show pdfailevents [lastoneday] [lastseqnum=<val>] [file=<filepath>]     (MR) Displays overall PD predictive failures event information
storcli /cx set pdfaileventoptions [detectionType=<val>] [correctiveaction=<val>]   (MR) Set PD failure event options on controller
storcli /cx show pdfaileventoptions                                                 (MR) Show PD failure event options
Controller > Property Show/Set Commands
Rich (BB code):
storcli /cx show sesmonitoring                                                      (MR) Displays the sesmonitoring status
storcli /cx set sesmonitoring[=on|off]

storcli /cx show failpdonsmarterror                                                 (MR) Displays the failpdonsmarterror status
storcli /cx set failpdonsmarterror[=on|off]

storcli /cx show ocr                                                                (MR) Get Online Controller Reset Rate
storcli /cx set ocr=<on|off>

storcli /cx show cc|consistencycheck                                                (MR) Get Scheduled ConsistencyCheck(CC) Information
storcli /cx set consistencycheck|cc=[off|seq|conc] [delay=value]
    starttime=yyyy/mm/dd hh] [excludevd=x-y,z|none]

storcli /cx show sesmultipathcfg                                                    (MR) Displays the association type for SES in Multipath config
storcli /cx set sesmultipathcfg=<on|off>

storcli /cx show bootwithpinnedcache                                                (MR) Displays whether booting of controller with pinned cache is enabled or disabled
storcli /cx set bootwithpinnedcache=<on|off>

storcli /cx show activityforlocate                                                  (MR) Displays whether use disk activity for locate is enabled or disabled
storcli /cx set activityforlocate=<on|off>

storcli /cx show copyback                                                           (MR) Displays whether copy back for drive types is enabled or disabled
storcli /cx set copyback=<on|off> type=smartssd|smarthdd|all

storcli /cx show jbod                                                               (MR) Displays whether JBOD mode is enabled or disabled
storcli /cx set jbod=<on|off> [force]

storcli /cx show autorebuild                                                        (MR) Displays whether automatic rebuild mode is enabled or disabled
storcli /cx set autorebuild=<on|off>

storcli /cx show autoconfig                                                         (MR) Displays the type of autoconfig enabled
storcli /cx set autoconfig [= < none | R0 [immediate] | JBOD > ]
                      [[sesmgmt=on/off]  [securesed=on/off]
                      [multipath=on/off] [multiinit=on/off]]

storcli /cx show cachebypass                                                        (MR) Displays whether cache-bypass-performance-improvement feature is enabled or disabled
storcli /cx set cachebypass=<on|off>

storcli /cx show usefdeonlyencrypt                                                  (MR) Displays whether FDE drive-based encryption is enabled or disabled
storcli /cx set usefdeonlyencrypt=<on|off>

storcli /cx show batterywarning                                                     (MR) Displays whether battery warnings are enabled or disabled
storcli /cx set batterywarning=<on|off>

storcli /cx show abortcconerror                                                     (MR) Displays whether aborting of consistency check when it detects an inconsistency is enabled or disabled
storcli /cx set abortcconerror=<on|off>

storcli /cx show ncq                                                                (MR) Displays whether native command queuing in SATA drives is enabled or disabled
storcli /cx set ncq=<on|off>

storcli /cx show configautobalance                                                  (MR) Displays Whether Configuration AutoBalance enabled or disabled on the controller
storcli /cx set configautobalance=<on|off>

storcli /cx show maintainpdfailhistory                                              (MR) Displays whether maintaining of physical drive fail history is enabled or disabled
storcli /cx set maintainpdfailhistory=<on|off>

storcli /cx show restorehotspare                                                    (MR) Displays whether restoring of hotspare on insertion of a failed drive is enabled or disabled
storcli /cx set restorehotspare=<on|off>

storcli /cx show bios                                                               (MR) Displays the value of controller bios
storcli /cx set bios [state=<on|off>] [Mode=<SOE|PE|IE|SME>] [abs=<on|off>]

storcli /cx show alarm                                                              (MR) Displays whether controller alarm is enabled or disabled
storcli /cx set alarm=<on|off|silence>

storcli /cx show foreignautoimport                                                  (MR) Show foreignautoimport
storcli /cx set foreignautoimport=<on|off>

storcli /cx show directpdmapping                                                    (MR) Displays whether direct physical drive mapping is enabled or disabled
storcli /cx set directpdmapping=<on|off>

storcli /cx show rebuildrate                                                        (MR) Displays rebuild rate of the drive in percentage
storcli /cx set rebuildrate=<value>

storcli /cx show loadbalancemode                                                    (MR) Displays whether automatic load balancing is enabled or disabled
storcli /cx set loadbalancemode=<on|off>

storcli /cx show eghs                                                               (MR) Displays whether use of hotspare drives for emergency feature is enabled or disabled
storcli /cx set eghs [state=<on|off>] [eug=<on|off>] [smarter=<on|off>]

storcli /cx show cacheflushint                                                      (MR) Displays cache flush interval in seconds
storcli /cx set cacheflushint=<value>

storcli /cx show prrate                                                             (MR) Dislays patrol read rate of the virtual drives in percentage
storcli /cx set prrate=<value>

storcli /cx show prcorrectunconfiguredareas                                         (MR) Displays whether correction of media errors during PR by writing 0s is enabled or disabled.
storcli /cx set prcorrectunconfiguredareas=<on|off>

storcli /cx show ccrate                                                             (MR) Displays consistency check rate in percentage
storcli /cx set ccrate=<value>

storcli /cx show bgirate                                                            (MR) Displays background initialization rate in percentage
storcli /cx set bgirate =<value>

storcli /cx show dpm                                                                (MR) Displays Drive Performance Monitoring on controller
storcli /cx set dpm =<on|off>

storcli /cx show sgpioforce                                                         (MR) Show force sgpio on controller
storcli /cx set sgpioforce =<on|off>

storcli /cx show migraterate                                                        (MR) Displays data migration rate in percentage
storcli /cx set migraterate=<value>

storcli /cx show spinupdrivecount                                                   (MR) Displays number of drives that are spun up
storcli /cx set spinupdrivecount=<value>

storcli /cx show spinupdelay                                                        (MR) Displays spin up delay in seconds
storcli /cx set spinupdelay=<value>

storcli /cx show coercion                                                           (MR) Displays the value of coercion mode
storcli /cx set coercion=<value>

storcli /cx show limitMaxRateSATA                                                   (MR) Displays the value of limitMaxRateSATAto3G
storcli /cx set limitMaxRateSATA=on|off

storcli /cx show HDDThermalPollInterval                                             (MR) Displays the value of HDD Thermal poll interval in seconds
storcli /cx set HDDThermalPollInterval=<value>

storcli /cx show SSDThermalPollInterval                                             (MR) Displays the value of SSH Thermal poll interval in seconds
storcli /cx set SSDThermalPollInterval=<value>

storcli /cx show smartpollinterval                                                  (MR) Displays the value of polling of SMART errors in seconds
storcli /cx set smartpollinterval=<value>

storcli /cx show eccbucketsize                                                      (MR) Displays the size of ECC single-bit-error bucket
storcli /cx set eccbucketsize=<value>

storcli /cx show eccbucketleakrate                                                  (MR) Displays the value of leak rate of the single-bit bucket in minutes
storcli /cx set eccbucketleakrate=<value>

storcli /cx show backplane                                                          (MR) Displays whether device drivers to expose enclosure devices is enabled or disabled
storcli /cx set backplane mode=<value> expose=<on/off>

storcli /cx show perfmode                                                           (MR) Displays the value of Performance tuning for the controller.
storcli /cx show perfmodevalues                                                     (MR) Displays the value of Performance tuning parameter for the controller.
storcli /cx set perfmode=<value> [maxflushlines=<value> numiostoorder=<value>]

storcli /cx show pi                                                                 (MR) Displays the state of Import Data Protection on controller
storcli /cx set pi [state=<on|off>] [import=<on|off>]

storcli /cx show time                                                               (MR) Displays the controller time
storcli /cx set time=<yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss | systemtime>

storcli /cx show ds                                                                 (MR) Show Dimmer Switch option on controller
storcli /cx set ds=OFF type=1|2|3|4
storcli /cx set ds=ON type=1|2 [properties]
storcli /cx set ds=ON type=3|4 DefaultLdType=<val> [properties]
storcli /cx set ds [properties]

storcli /cx show ASO                                                                (MR) Shows the Advanced Software Options (ASO) that are enabled on the controller
storcli /cx set aso key=<key value> preview
storcli /cx set aso key=<key value>
storcli /cx set aso transfertovault
storcli /cx set aso rehostcomplete
storcli /cx set aso deactivatetrialkey

storcli /cx show securitykey keyid                                                  Shows the security keyID on the controller.
storcli /cx compare securitykey=xxxxxxxxxx                                          Compares and verifies the security key of the controller.
storcli /cx set securitykey keyid=xxx                                               Sets the key ID for the controller
storcli /cx set securitykey=xxxxxxxx {passphrase=xxxx} {keyid=xxx}                  Sets the security key for the controller.
storcli /cx set securitykey=xxxxxxxx oldsecuritykey=xxxxxxxx {passphrase=xxxx}      Changes the security key for the controller
storcli /cx delete securitykey

storcli /cx show linkconfig                                                         (MR) Show PCIe link information
storcli /cx set linkconfig [connname=cx,cy] linkconfig=<val>

storcli /cx show ldlimit                                                            (MR) Show LD restriction Info
storcli /cx set ldlimit=<default|max>

storcli /cx show maintenance                                                        (MR) Displays the maintenance mode of the controller
storcli /cx set maintenance mode=normal|nodevices

storcli /cx show personality                                                        (MR) Show personality
storcli /cx set personality=RAID|HBA|JBOD
storcli /cx set personality=RAID|HBA|eHBA                                           (unlisted) Set the personality of the controller to either RAID, HBA or eHBA mode

storcli /cx show profile                                                            (MR) Displays the profile list supported on the controller
storcli /cx set profile profileid=<id>

storcli /cx show jbodwritecache                                                     (MR) Displays the Write cache setting for JBODs
storcli /cx set jbodwritecache=on|off|default

storcli /cx show immediateio                                                        (MR) Displays whether Immediate IO is enabled or disabled
storcli /cx set immediateio=<on|off>

storcli /cx show driveactivityled                                                   (MR) Displays whether drive activity LED is enabled or disabled
storcli /cx set driveactivityled=<on|off>

storcli /cx show largeiosupport                                                     (MR) Displays whether largeiosupport is enabled or disabled on the controller
storcli /cx set largeiosupport=<on|off>

storcli /cx show unmap                                                              (MR) Displays whether SCSI unmap is enabled or disabled on the controller
storcli /cx set unmap=<on|off>

storcli /cx show assemblynumber                                                     (IT) Displays assemblynumber on the controller
storcli /cx set assemblynumber=xxxx                                                 (IT) Set Assemblynumber On Controller

storcli /cx show tracernumber                                                       (IT) Displays tracernumber on the controller
storcli /cx set tracernumber=xxxx                                                   (IT) Set tracernumber on controller

storcli /cx show sasadd                                                             (IT) Displays SAS address on the controller
storcli /cx set sasadd = xxxx [devicename] [methodport]
storcli /cx set sasaddhi = xxxx  sasaddlow = xxxxx [devicename] [methodport]        Set sasaddhi and sasaddlow on controller

storcli /cx show flushwriteverify                                                   (MR) Displays whether flushwriteverify is enabled or disabled.
storcli /cx set flushwriteverify=<on|off>

storcli /cx show largeQD                                                            (MR) Displays whether largeQueueDepth is enabled or disabled on the controller
storcli /cx set largeQD=<on|off>

storclio /cx show oob                                                               (storclio) Shows Out Of Band management communication mode
storclio /cx set oob mode=i2c|pcie maxpayloadsize=<payloadsize>                     (storclio) Set out of band management communication mode

storclio /cx show SubOEMId                                                          (MR, storclio) Displays the SubOEMId of the controller
storclio /cx set SubOEMId=<val>                                                     (MR, storclio) Set SubOEMId of the controller
Controller > Patrol Read Commands
Rich (BB code):
storcli /cx show patrolRead                                                         Displays patrol read status if any in progress and patrol read parameters
storcli /cx start patrolread
storcli /cx stop patrolread
storcli /cx pause patrolread
storcli /cx resume patrolread

storcli /cx set patrolread = {{on mode=<auto|manual> }|{off}}                       Turns the patrol read scheduling on and sets the mode
storcli /cx set patrolread [starttime=< yyyy/mm/dd hh>]                             Schedules a patrol read operation
    [maxconcurrentpd =<value>] [includessds=<on|onlymixed|off>]
    [uncfgareas=on|off] [excludevd=x-y,z|none]
storcli /cx set patrolread delay = <value>                                          Delays the scheduled patrol read in hours

storcli /cx set supportssdpatrolread =<on|off>                                      Enables or Disables Patrol read for SSD drives

storcli /cx show prrate                                                             Dislays patrol read rate of the virtual drives in percentage
storcli /cx set prrate=<value>

storcli /cx show prcorrectunconfiguredareas                                         Displays whether correction of media errors during PR by writing 0s is enabled or disabled.
storcli /cx set prcorrectunconfiguredareas=<on|off>

storcli /cx[/ex]/sx show patrolread                                                 Show Patrol read
Controller > Debug Commands
Rich (BB code):
storcli /cx set debug type=<value> option=<value> [level=<value in hex>]            Enable Firmware Debug Variables
storcli /cx set debug reset all                                                     Resetting the Firmware Debug Variables

storcli /cx show dequeuelog file=<filepath>                                         Displays the debug queue (DeQueue) logs
Controller > Snapdump Commands
Rich (BB code):
storcli /cx show snapdump                                                           Shows the controller Snapdump information
storcli /cx set snapdump state=on|off                                               Enables or disables the snapdump on controller
storcli /cx set snapdump [ savecount=<value> | delayocr=<value> ]
storcli /cx get snapdump [ id=[ all | <value> file=<fileName>] [norttdump] ]
storcli /cx delete snapdump [force]
Controller > Maintenance Commands
Rich (BB code):
storcli /cx shutdown                                                                Shutdown the adapter.
storcli /cx restart                                                                 Restarts the adapter without system reboot.

storcli /cx start diag duration=<val> [type=<val>]                                  Start Diagnostic on Adapter

storcli /cx show flush|flushcache cachecade                                         (MR) Show the number of Dirty Windows and flush count.
storcli /cx flush|flushcache                                                        Flushes the adapter cache and/or disk caches.
storcli /cx [start] flush|flushcache [cachecade |  ALL]                             Flushes the adapter cache and/or disk caches.
storcli /cx stop flush|flushcache cachecade                                         Stops flushing the adapter cache on cachecade drives.

storcli /cx/mx show                                                                 (MR) Show the connector mode.
storcli /cx/mx set mode=<Internal | External | Auto>                                (MR) Command sets connector mode on selected controllers

storclio /cx show fwbootregion                                                      (MR, unlisted, storclio) Displays whether FW is running from primary flash location
storclio /cx set fwbootregion = [Primary|Secondary]                                 (MR, unlisted, storclio) Sets the controller to boot from either primary or secondary flash location
Controller > Backup (Upload) Commands
Rich (BB code):
storcli /cx get bios file=<filename>                                                (IT) Uploads BIOS image from the controller to the specified file.
storcli /cx get firmware file=<filename>                                            (IT) Uploads Firmware image from the controller to the specified file.
storcli /cx get mpb file=<filename>                                                 (IT) Uploads MPB image from the controller to the specified file.
storcli /cx get fwbackup file=<filename>                                            (IT) Uploads FWbackup image from the controller to the specified file.
storcli /cx get nvdata file=<filename>                                              (IT) Uploads NVDATA image from the controller to the specified file.
storcli /cx get flash file=<filename>                                               (IT) Uploads Flash image from the controller to the specified file.

storcli /cx get vpd file=<fileName>                                                 (MR) Get the VPD data.Give the file name as input, data will populate in file.
storcli /cx get config file=<fileName>                                              (MR) Saves the configuration of the selected controller to the given filename.

storclio /cx get HWDevice deviceType=<val> [bus=<val> slaveAddress=<val>]           (storclio) Gets the hardware device information and fills the user specified file
    [[offset=<val>] size=<val>] file=<filepath>
    [fileone=<filepath> filetwo=<filepath>]

storclio /cx get factorysettings file=<filepath>                                    (MR, storclio) Get/write all Factory settings to a given file

storcli /cx get flash fileone=<IT bootloader image> filetwo=<filename>              (unlisted) Uploads complete flash of the controller to user specified file
Controller > Restore/Reset/Set Commands
Rich (BB code):
storcli /cx show vpd                                                                (IT) Displays the contents of the VPD for the specified controller
storcli /cx get vpd file=<fileName>                                                 (MR) Get the VPD data.Give the file name as input, data will populate in file.
storcli /cx set updatevpd file=<filepath>                                           Lets the caller program a vital product data file to the specified controller.
storclio /cx set vpd file=<fileName>                                                (storclio) Set the VPD data. Give the vpd file as input.

storcli /cx get config file=<fileName>                                              (MR) Saves the configuration of the selected controller to the given filename.
storcli /cx set config file=<fileName>                                              (MR) Reads the configuration from the file and loads it on the controller
storcli /cx delete config [force]                                                   (MR) This command clears complete configuration on the controller

storcli /cx show sasadd                                                             (IT) Displays SAS address on the controller
storcli /cx set sasadd = xxxx [devicename] [methodport]
storcli /cx set sasaddhi = xxxx  sasaddlow = xxxxx [devicename] [methodport]        Set sasaddhi and sasaddlow on controller
storclio /cx set sasaddress=xxxxxxxx                                                (storclio) Sets 64B length SAS Address to the controller

storcli /cx set factory defaults                                                    Sets the factory defaults on the selected adapter(s).

storcli cx set sbr                                                                  Sets SBR

storclio /cx set HWDevice deviceType=<val> [bus=<val> slaveAddress=<val>]           (storclio) Sends the user specified file to firmware to modify the hardware device information
    [offset=<val>] file=<filepath> [fileone=<filepath> filetwo=<filepath>]

storclio /cx set factorysettings file=<filepath>                                    (storclio) Set/read all Factory settings from a given ini file

storclio /cx set MFG file=<fileName>                                                (storclio) Sets MFG data from the given file

storcli /cx set factory [mfcdata|mfgdata|pcidata|sasaddress] file=<filepath>        (unlisted) Sets the factory data on the selected adapter(s)
storcli /cx set persistentpage file=<fileName>                                      (unlisted) Set the Persistent Page Data.Give the file name as input.
Controller > Erase Commands
Rich (BB code):
storcli /cx erase all [excludemfg] [file=filename]                                  Clear or erase the complete flash region.
storcli /cx erase all [file=filename]                                               Clear or erase the complete flash region
storcli /cx flasherase                                                              Erases the flash memory on the adapter
storcli /cx erase nvsram                                                            Clear or erase the NVSRAM region
storcli /cx erase fwbackup                                                          Clear or erase the firmware backup region
storcli /cx erase bootservices                                                      Clear or erase the boot services region.
storcli /cx erase perconfpage                                                       Clear or erase the persistent configuration page
storcli /cx erase mpb                                                               Clear or erase the manufacturing region

storclio /cx delete NVRAM                                                           (storclio) Clears the NVRAM on Adapter
Controller > Flashing (Download) Commands
Rich (BB code):
storcli show file=<filepath>                                                        Show version information of image

storcli /cx download file=<filepath> [noverchk] [noreset] [forcehcb]                Download or Flash the IT controller firmware
storcli /cx download file=<filepath> [fwtype=<val>] [ResetNow] [nosigchk]           Download or Flash controller firmware.
    [noverchk] [force]
storcli /cx download completeflash [fileone=<firmware image/IT bootloader image>]   Download or Flash complete flash image on the controller
    [filetwo=<flash image/firmware package>] [file=<cbb-concatenated-image>]
storcli /cx download efibios file=<filepath>                                        Downloads the EFI BIOS image
storcli /cx download cpld file=<filepath>                                           Downloads the CPLD image
storcli /cx download bios file=<filepath>                                           Downloads the BIOS image
storcli /cx download fcode file=<filepath>                                          Downloads the FCODE image

storcli /cx transform iMR                                                           Downgrades the Firmware on Adapter.

storclio /cx set HWDevice deviceType=<val> [bus=<val> slaveAddress=<val>]           (storclio) Sends the user specified file to firmware to modify the hardware device information
    [offset=<val>] file=<filepath> [fileone=<filepath> filetwo=<filepath>]

storclio /cx show fwbootregion                                                      (unlisted, storclio) Displays whether FW is running from primary flash location
storclio /cx set fwbootregion = [Primary|Secondary]                                 (unlisted, storclio) Sets the controller to boot from either primary or secondary flash location

storcli /cx download component fileone=<Hostboot image(CBB-Concatenated)>           (unlisted) Performs component based download of the individual flash images on to the controller
    filetwo=<Flash component(s)>
storcli /cx download file=<filepath> Package                                        (unlisted) Download or Flash controller firmware
storcli /cx download file=<filepath> [locale= Dual | Active| Backup ]               (unlisted) ?
    [fwtype=<val>] [ResetNow] [nosigchk] [noverchk] [force]
Controller > Misc Commands
Rich (BB code):
storcli /cx compare bios ver=<bios version>                                         Compare BIOS version of the controller with the user provided version
storcli /cx compare fwprodid ver=<fw product id version>                            Compare FW product ID of the controller with the user provided version
storcli /cx compare ssid ver=<ssid version>                                         Compare SubSystemID of the controller with the user provided version
storcli /cx compare firmware ver=<firmware version>                                 Compare firmware version of the controller with the user provided version

storcli /cx Compare factorysettings file=<filepath>                                 (unlisted) Compare all Factory settings from a given ini file
storcli /cx Compare factorysettings raw file=<filepath>                             (unlisted) Compare raw Factory settings from a given ini file
storcli /cx Compare factory file=<filepath>                                         (unlisted) Compares the factory data on the selected controller(s)

storcli /cx show colinfo                                                            (unlisted) Shows the Cache Offload information.
storcli /cx delete colinfo                                                          (unlisted) Deletes the Cache Offload information.

storclio /cx verify challengeval                                                    (unlisted, storclio) Verify challenge value on the controller.
storclio /cx set challengeval                                                       (unlisted, storclio) Set the 16 byte challenge value and 1 byte keyindex on the controller.

storcli /cx show memscrubpatterns                                                   (unlisted) Shows all the available Controller Memory Scrub patterns
storcli /cx set memscrubpattern = <value> [force]                                   (unlisted) Scrubs the controller memory with the user specified pattern

storcli /cx show energypack                                                         (unlisted) Displays Energy pack status
Controller > PCIe/Phy Commands
Rich (BB code):
storcli /cx show pci                                                                (MR) Displays the pci information for the controller.
storclio /cx set pcilinkspeed = <speed>                                             (storclio) Sets PCIe link speed

storcli /cx show linkconfig                                                         (MR) Show PCIe link information
storcli /cx set linkconfig [connname=cx,cy] linkconfig=<val>

storcli /cx/lnx show                                                                (MR) Show pcie lane information (usage: /c0/ln0,1,2...)
storcli /cx/lnx set lanespeed=0|2.5|5|8|16                                          Set PCIe lane speed on controller

storcli /cx/px show                                                                 Show PHY information.
storcli /cx/px show all                                                             (MR) Show detailed PHY information.
storcli /cx/px show phyerrorcounters                                                (IT) Show the phy error counter details

storcli /cx/px set state=on|off                                                     Enable phy or Disable Phy
storcli /cx/px set linkspeed=0|1.5|3|6|12                                           Set PHY Link speed on controller
storcli /cx/px compare linkspeed=0|1|2|3                                            Compare PHY Linkspeed on controller
storcli /cx/px reset [hard]                                                         Reset Phy
BBU Specific Commands
Rich (BB code):
storcli /cx/bbu show                                                                Show Available BBU Modes
storcli /cx/bbu show all                                                            Shows all the information of a BBU.
storcli /cx/bbu show status                                                         Show Battery Backup Unit status
storcli /cx/bbu show properties                                                     Show BBU properties on controller
storcli /cx/bbu show modes                                                          Show Available BBU Modes
storcli /cx/bbu show gasgauge Offset=xxxx Numbytes=n                                Returns the data of EEPROM

storcli /cx/bbu show learn                                                          Show BBU Learn
storcli /cx/bbu start learn                                                         Start a learning cycle on the BBU

storcli /cx/bbu set [ learnDelayInterval=<val> | bbuMode=<val>                      Set BBU properties on controller
    |learnStartTime=[DDD HH | off] | autolearnmode=<val> |
    powermode=sleep | writeaccess=sealed ]

storcli /cx/bbu start retentiontest                                                 (unlisted) Starts the Retention Test on BBU ,Restart required
storcli /cx/bbu set mfg file=<file path>                                            (unlisted) Resets the Manufacturing Date and Manufacture Name of the BBU
Cachevault Specific Commands
Rich (BB code):
storcli /cx/cv show                                                                 Show cache vault status
storcli /cx/cv show all                                                             Show all the information of a cache vault.
storcli /cx/cv show status                                                          Show cache vault status

storcli /cx/cv show learn                                                           Show cache vault learn
storcli /cx/cv start learn                                                          Start a Learning cycle on the cache vault

storcli /cx/cv start retentiontest                                                  (unlisted) Starts the Retention Test on cache vault, Restart required.
Slot/PD Specific Commands
Rich (BB code):
storcli /cx[/ex]/sx show                                                            Show Drive Information
storcli /cx[/ex]/sx show all                                                        Show Detailed Drive Information

storcli /cx[/ex]/sx show poh [ignoreselftest]                                       Show Drive's accumulated power on hours
storcli /cx[/ex]/sx show smart                                                      Show Drive Smart information
storcli /cx[/ex]/sx show patrolread                                                 Show Patrol read
storcli /cx[/ex]/sx show securitykey keyid                                          Show Drive KeyID

storcli /cx[/ex]/sx start locate                                                    Start Drive Locate
storcli /cx[/ex]/sx stop locate

storcli /cx[/ex]/sx show initialization                                             Show Drive initialization Status
storcli /cx[/ex]/sx start initialization
storcli /cx[/ex]/sx stop initialization

storcli /cx[/ex]/sx show phyerrorcounters                                           Show Drive PhyErrorCounters
storcli /cx[/ex]/sx reset phyerrorcounters

storcli /cx[/ex]/sx show errorcounters                                              Show the Drive/Slot error counters
storcli /cx[/ex]/sx reset errorcounters type = 1|2

storcli /cx[/ex]/sx show rebuild                                                    Show Drive Rebuild Status
storcli /cx[/ex]/sx start rebuild
storcli /cx[/ex]/sx stop rebuild
storcli /cx[/ex]/sx pause rebuild
storcli /cx[/ex]/sx resume rebuild

storcli /cx[/ex]/sx show copyback                                                   Show Drive Copyback Status
storcli /cx[/ex]/sx start copyback target=e:s
storcli /cx[/ex]/sx stop copyback
storcli /cx[/ex]/sx pause copyback
storcli /cx[/ex]/sx resume copyback

storcli /cx[/ex]/sx show erase                                                      Show drive secure erase status.
storcli /cx[/ex]/sx start erase [simple| normal| thorough | standard| threepass |
   crypto] [patternA=<val>] [patternB=<val>]
storcli /cx[/ex]/sx stop erase
storcli /cx[/ex]/sx secureerase [force]                                             Securely Erase Drive

storcli /cx[/ex]/sx show jbod                                                       Show JBOD Drive Information
storcli /cx[/ex]/sx show jbod all
storcli /cx[/ex]/sx del jbod [force]
storcli /cx[/ex]/sx set jbod

storcli /cx[/ex]/sx spinup                                                          Spin Up Drive
storcli /cx[/ex]/sx spindown

storcli /cx[/ex]/sx add hotsparedrive [DGs=<N|0,1,2...>] [enclaffinity]             Add Hot Spare Drive
storcli /cx[/ex]/sx delete hotsparedrive

storcli /cx[/ex]/sx insert dg=A array=B row=C                                       Insert Drive to replace missing drive

storcli /cx[/ex]/sx set online                                                      Set Drive Online
storcli /cx[/ex]/sx set offline                                                     Set Drive Offline
storcli /cx[/ex]/sx set missing                                                     Set Drive Missing
storcli /cx[/ex]/sx set security=on                                                 Set Security on JBOD
storcli /cx[/ex]/sx set good [force]                                                Set Drive Good
storcli /cx[/ex]/sx set bootdrive=<on|off>                                          Set/Unset physical drive as Boot Drive

storcli /cx[/ex]/sx download status                                                 Download Drive Firmware Status
storcli /cx[/ex]/sx download src=<filepath> [satabridge] [mode= 5|7]                Download Drive Firmware
    [parallel] [force]
storcli /cx[/ex]/sx download src=<filepath> mode= E offline [activatenow]           Download Drive Firmware without activation
storcli /cx[/ex]/sx download  mode= F offline [delay=<val>]                         Activate downloaded file

storcli /cx show pdfailevents [lastoneday] [lastseqnum=<val>] [file=<filepath>]     Displays overall PD predictive failures event information
storcli /cx set pdfaileventoptions [detectionType=<val>] [correctiveaction=<val>]   Set PD failure event options on controller
storcli /cx show pdfaileventoptions                                                 Show PD failure event options

storcli /cx[/ex]/sx show scnvram                                                    (unlisted) Show Nvram Smart Carrier Information of the smart drive
storcli /cx[/ex]/sx clear scnvram                                                   (unlisted) Clear Nvram Smart Carrier Information of the smart drive

storcli /cx[/ex]/sx show sanitize                                                   (unlisted) Displays the status as percentage of sanitize completed
storcli /cx[/ex]/sx start sanitize [cryptoerase| overwrite| blockErase ] [ause]     (unlisted) Sanitize drives with specified pattern(s)
Disk Group Specific Commands
Rich (BB code):
storcli /cx/dx show                                                                 Show Diskgroup
storcli /cx/dx show all                                                             Show Detailed Diskgroup Info

storcli /cx show freespace                                                          Displays the free space information from all disk groups

storcli /cx/dx set hidden=on|off                                                    Make the drive group hidden on or off
storcli /cx/dx set security=on                                                      Make the drive group Secure
storcli /cx/dx set transport=on/off [EDHSP=on/off] [SDHSP=on/off]                   Make the drive group Transport Ready/Clear

storcli /cx/dall show mirror                                                        Displays the information about the mirror associated with the DG.
storcli /cx/dall split mirror                                                       Splits the mirror VDs apart.
storcli /cx/dall add mirror src=<val> [force]                                       Joins the VD with its mirror.
Virtual Drive Specific Commands
Rich (BB code):
storcli /cx/vx show                                                                 Show Virtual drive Information
storcli /cx/vx show all [logfile[=filename]]                                        Show Detailed Virtual drive Information

storcli /cx add vd r[0|1|5|6|00|10|50|60]                                           ADD Virtual Drive
    [Size=<VD1_Sz>,<VD2_Sz>,..|all] [name=<VDNAME1>,..]
    drives=e:s|e:s-x|e:s-x,y,e:s-x,y,z [PDperArray=x][SED]
    [direct|cached] [cachevd] [unmap][Strip=<8|16|32|64|128|256|512|1024>]
     [AfterVd=X] [EmulationType=0|1|2] [Spares = [e:]s|[e:]s-x|[e:]s-x,y]
    [force][ExclusiveAccess] [Cbsize=0|1|2 Cbmode=0|1|2|3|4|7]

storcli /cx add vd each r0 [name=<VDNAME1>,..] [drives=e:s|e:s-x|e:s-x,y]           ADD RAID0 for Each Physical Drive
    [SED] [pdcache=on|off|default][pi] [DimmerSwitch(ds)=default|
    [WT|WB|AWB] [nora|ra] [direct|cached] [EmulationType=0|1|2]
    [Strip=<8|16|32|64|128|256|512|1024>] [ExclusiveAccess]
    [Cbsize=0|1|2 Cbmode=0|1|2|3|4|7]

storcli /cx/vx del [cachecade] [discardcache] [force]                               Delete virtual Drive
storcli /cx/vx delete preservedcache[force]                                         Delete Preserved Cache

storcli /cx/vx show init                                                            Show Initialization progress
storcli /cx/vx start init[Full][Force]
storcli /cx/vx stop init

storcli /cx/vx show vfmap                                                           Show VD VF mapping
storcli /cx/vx set vfmap [VF=<val> | PF] access=RW|RO|Blocked|Hidden                Sets the VF accesspolicy on a Virtual drive

storcli /cx/vx show autobgi                                                         Show Auto BGI setting
storcli /cx/vx set autobgi=On|Off
storcli /cx/vx show bgi                                                             Show Background Initialization progress
storcli /cx/vx stop bgi
storcli /cx/vx pause bgi
storcli /cx/vx resume bgi

storcli /cx/vx show expansion                                                       Show virtual Drive Expansion
storcli /cx/vx expand Size=<xx> [expandarray]                                       Expand virtual Drive

storcli /cx/vx show migrate                                                         Show Migrate operation progress
storcli /cx/vx start migrate type=raidx [option=add|remove
    drives=[e:]s|[e:]s-x|[e:]s-x,y] [Force]

storcli /cx/vx show Unmap                                                           Show SCSI UNMAP setting
storcli /cx/vx set Unmap=<On|Off>

storcli /cx/vx show cc                                                              Show Check Consistency progress
storcli /cx/vx start cc[Force]
storcli /cx/vx stop cc
storcli /cx/vx pause cc
storcli /cx/vx resume cc

storcli /cx/vx show erase                                                           Show erase progress
storcli /cx/vx start erase [simple|normal|thorough|standard][patternA=<val>]
storcli /cx/vx stop erase

storcli /cx/vx show BBMT                                                            Shows information about the Bad Block Table.
storcli /cx/vx delete BBMT

storcli /cx/vx set name=<NameString>                                                Change the VD name
storcli /cx/vx set ssdcaching=on|off                                                Enable/Disable SSD caching on Virtual drive
storcli /cx/vx set hidden=on|off                                                    Make the Virtual drive hidden on or off
storcli /cx/vx set emulationType=0|1|2                                              Change Emulation Type setting
storcli /cx/vx set cbsize=0|1|2 cbmode=0|1|2|3|4|7                                  Sets the Cache bypass size and cache bypass mode setting
storcli /cx/vx set wrcache=WT|WB|AWB                                                Change Write cache setting
storcli /cx/vx set rdcache=RA|NoRA                                                  Change Read cache setting
storcli /cx/vx set iopolicy=Cached|Direct                                           Change IO Policy
storcli /cx/vx set accesspolicy=RW|RO|Blocked|RmvBlkd                               Change Access Policy
storcli /cx/vx set pdcache=On|Off|Default                                           Change PD Cache Setting
storcli /cx/vx set HostAccess=ExclusiveAccess|SharedAccess                          Change the VD Host Access Property
storcli /cx/vx set ds=Default|Auto|None|Max|MaxNoCache                              Change Dimmer Switch Setting
storcli /cx/vx set pi=Off                                                           Make Data Protection Disable
storcli /cx/vx set bootdrive=<on|off>                                               Set/Unset Virtual Drive as Boot Drive
CacheCade Specific Commands
Rich (BB code):
storcli /cx/dall show cachecade                                                     Displays all CacheCade virtual drive information.

storcli /cx add VD cachecade r[aid][0,1,10]                                         ADD CacheCade virtual Drive
    drives = [e:]s|[e:]s-x|[e:]s-x,y [WT|WB] [assignvds = 0,1,2]

storcli /cx show flush|flushcache cachecade                                         Show the number of Dirty Windows and flush count.
storcli /cx flush|flushcache                                                        Flushes the adapter cache and/or disk caches.
storcli /cx [start] flush|flushcache [cachecade |  ALL]                             Flushes the adapter cache and/or disk caches.
storcli /cx stop flush|flushcache cachecade                                         Stops flushing the adapter cache on cachecade drives.
Enclosure Specific Commands
Rich (BB code):
storcli /cx/ex show                                                                 Display enclosure information.
storcli /cx/ex show all                                                             Display detailed enclosure information.
storcli /cx/ex show status [extended]                                               Show the enclosure status
storcli /cx/ex show phyerrorcounters                                                Show the enclosure/expander phy error counters

storcli /cx/ex download src=<filepath> [forceActivate]                              Download Enclosure Firmware
JBOD Specific Commands
Rich (BB code):
storcli /cx/jbodx show Unmap                                                        (MR) Shows the SCSI UNMAP setting of a JBOD drive
storcli /cx/jbodx set unmap=<on|off>                                                (MR) Sets or unsets a Unmap on a JBOD
Foreign Configuration Specific Commands
Rich (BB code):
storcli /cx/fall show [all] [securityKey = xxx]                                     Show Foreign Configuration
storcli /cx/fall del|delete [securityKey = xxx]                                     Delete Foreign Configuration
storcli /cx/fall import [preview] [securityKey = xxx]                               Import or Preview Foreign Configuration

storcli /cx show foreignautoimport                                                  Show foreignautoimport
storcli /cx set foreignautoimport=<on|off>
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